Terms of Use

1. Introduction

The website identified through the domain name https://papermoon.io as well as other domain names that might be used in the future (hereinafter, the “Website”) is owned by PaperMoon Dev S.L. (hereinafter, the “Company”), a company of Spanish nationality, with Tax Identification Number B13676069 corporate address at Pz Universitat 3 6 08007 Barcelona Spain, duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Book 48772, Sheet 44, Page 595675, and email contact address contact@papermoon.io.

2. Intellectual and industrial property rights 

The intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website belong to the Company or, where appropriate, to third persons with whom the Company has signed the necessary agreements. The intellectual property rights on the Website include the written content of the same, its design, logos, texts, images, marks, databases, structure, audio files, software files, color combinations, and other elements, the structure, selection and arrangement of their contents, as well as the source code with which it is programmed, all protected in accordance with the applicable legislation on copyright.

Any non-authorized exploitation, distribution, reproduction, transformation, adaptation, translation, assignment, modification, public communication or any other form of exploitation or dissemination of all or part of the Website content in any form or by any means without prior written authorization from the Company, is expressly prohibited, and the violation of these rights may result into judicial or civil or criminal legal liabilities as appropriate.

The Company does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property or any other right related to the Website. Any User or third party that considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of a specific content on the Website, shall notify this fact, in writing, to the Company.

3. Conditions of access and use of the Website

Access to and use of this Website is entirely voluntary and involves the attribution of the status of “User” and the full acceptance of all the provisions contained in this “Legal Notice” from the moment of accessing to the same, whether registered or not at the Website.

The Company may change at any time without notice the design, presentation and/or configuration of the Website, and any or all content. These terms are effective from the date of the last update. The Company reserves the right to modify the same at any time and without notice, in which case these will enter into force upon publication in the Website and will apply to all Users from that date. Therefore, the Company recommends that Users who want to enter and use the Website, read carefully the contents of this “Legal Notice” every time they access the Website. 

The Company and the Website reserves the right to update, modify or delete information contained in the Website, as well as to limit or deny access to this information without notice. Especially, the Company and the Website reserves the right to remove, limit or prevent access to their Website when technical difficulties or events beyond the Company’s and the Website’s control that, at their discretion, may reduce or remove security safety standards adopted for the proper functioning of this Website.

The User agrees to use the services and contents that provides the Website in accordance with the applicable legislation, the principles of good faith and generally accepted uses, and to not contravene with his performance through the Website the public order or the provisions contained in this Legal Notice. Therefore, it is prohibited any use with illegal purposes or that may impair or impede, damage and/or overburden, in any form, the normal use and operation of the Website, or that directly or indirectly infringe the same or against any third.

4. Linking policy

The Company and the Website are not liable for the accuracy, completeness or updating of the information not elaborated by their own, or others indicated by other source, nor are holders of other websites which can be accessed by the use of links or hyperlinks that are available within their Website. Such links or hyperlinks are for informational purposes only, are governed by their own terms and conditions of use enforceable by the owners of such websites, and in no case mean any support, approval, recommendation, sponsorship, distribution, marketing or relationship between the Company and the persons or entities authors and/or managers of such contents or owners of such sites where they are, or warranty by the Company for the proper operation or content of the linked sites. Accordingly, the Company shall not assume any responsibility for possible damages that may arise from the use of said information, the User accessing under his sole responsibility to their respective contents and terms of use.

The Users are allowed to include in their own websites links to the Company’s Website provided that: (i) the identity of its owner is duly identified, (ii) the link can only link to the home page or start page, without reproducing it in any way, (iii) registered marks of the Company, or any other distinctive sign that would confuse over the property of the Website established in the link, are not used, and (iv) the pages or websites to through which the link is made must not attempt to morality, public order and decency, and must be respectful of the principles of non-discrimination and respect for human dignity, the protection of youth and childhood. 

5. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

In no event shall the Company and the Website will be liable for losses or damages of any kind arising from access and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, those arising in computer systems. The Company and the Website shall not be liable for any damages Users suffer from improper use of this Website, and, in any way, for falls, interruptions, lack or failure of telecommunications.

The Company and the Website are not responsible for any discrepancies that, with transitional nature, may arise between the version of your paper and the electronic version published on its web pages. Access to this Website does not grant Users the right, or any ownership, over the intellectual property and/or industrial rights of the content provided by this Website. The Company and the Website reserves the right to take legal actions against Users who violate or infringe the intellectual property and / or industrial rights.

The Company cannot guarantee nor is responsible, in any case or circumstance, of the following facts and content, or for any damages that may, where appropriate, arising therefrom:

Lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance and effective operation of the Website and/or its services and update, as well as the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and reliability of its contents, regardless of the cause and difficulties or technical problems or other in which those facts originate. The Company shall at all times act in good faith and use its best efforts to minimize the impact of situations as described here. The information contained in the Website may be updated, modified or deleted without notice.

Damage that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this Website. At the same time, the Company is exempt from any liability for damages that may arise as a result of accessing, reproduction, acquisition and transmission of the content and services provided by third parties’ websites.

Transmission and/or presence of viruses, other elements or programs harmful for Users’ computers that may affect them, due to the access, use or test of the Website, or producing changes in their electronic documents or files.

Any use Illegal, negligent, fraudulent, impersonating another person or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice, to good faith, to generally accepted uses or to public order.

Breaches or violations of laws, usages or customs in force concerning intellectual property rights, industrial property, business or contractual secrets, rights to privacy, honor, image, property, publicity or competition, among others, belonging to third parties.

Failure to comply, by third parties, their obligations or warranties arising or incurred in connection with the services provided to Users through the Website, as well as for the lack of quality, reliability, suitability to the offer, legality, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to Users on the Website.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice shall be construed according to Spanish law. Likewise, for the resolution of any dispute, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, except in the event that the User acting as a consumer, in which case the competent courts shall be those corresponding to the address of the User.


Last updated: June 07, 2024